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Creative, Entrepreneur, Adventurer

"The vagrant owns the whole vast earth that ends only at the non-existent horizon, and her empire is an intangible one, for her domination and enjoyment of it are things of the spirit."

Isabelle Eberhardt

I’m a professional photographer with a degree in animal behavior and a passion for adventure.

From a very young age I was both an animal lover and an artist and it was my lifelong dream to be a nature photographer.  After 10 years of work in the animal field with a degree in animal behavior, I then followed my passion for photography into the real estate field. The learning curve was brutal but it was a great way to learn, and along they way I learned how to effectively break the photography process down into easy steps.  

The wide-angle, wide depth-of-field style I developed shooting real estate lends itself perfectly to GoPros, and now I get to shoot what I love while teaching others to get professional results the easy way.




Places I've been:

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