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Becoming a Free Spirit

"There are times when you need to re-tailor an ill-fitting life. These are the times that will define you—the moments you seek out your dragons and slay them when they rise. This is the courage to be creative". -James Victore

I'm Jenny, a 20-something creative on a quest for a more adventurous life and I just up and left my job for the opportunity to start fresh... talk about an adventure! So I am determined to cultivate a lifestyle that will finance my dreams of vagabonding and frankly, doing more of what I want when I want. And I'm boot-strapping the whole way.

The first step was really re-training by brain more than anything. I spent forever in school learning about things I cared nothing about looking forward to getting out and spending more time on more interesting things, and then failing to do that.

It seems like me and my friends all started focusing on jobs or starting families and then stopped learning about anything else. I love trying new things and now that I’m technically a grown up I get to learn about anything I want! Why don't more of us do that?

There’s a quote by Jim Rohn that says you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with and since I'm not surrounded by many like-minded dreamers, the authors of these books have become my mentors.

-The Suitcase Entrepreneur; Natalie Sisson

-The 4 Hour Workweek; Tim Ferriss

-The Rise of Superman; Steven Kotler

-Think Like a Freak; Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

-Vagabonding; Rolf Potts

-Money, Master the Game; Tony Robbins

-The Magic of Thinking Big; David J. Schwartz

Since reading those books, my mindset completely changed and I have new tools to help me take control and design my own lifestyle, on my own terms. I accomplished a lot of goals and took a lot more control over my time, but I was still struggling to replace a job I didn't like with a residual income stream that would support me financially from anywhere. Then I heard about Natalie Sisson's class The Freedom Plan and I had to sign up. Now I have the knowledge I need to start a Freedom Business and I'm working on putting it into action.

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