The Blog Challenge Wrap Up
It's the last day of Natalie's Blog Challenge! I wanted to do a video but I'm in pajama mode and there's no turning back. I just read...

Vacation is in the Eye of the Beholder
"What one thing are going to do in the location that you're in right now... that is going to make you feel alive, feel curious, feel like...
Mind, Body and Spirit
I'm keeping this one short and sweet. The challenge today is what one thing will we introduce to our lives to help our mind, body and...
A Rich Life is full of Experiences, not Things
There are 3 days left of Natalie's Blog Challenge but I plan to add new pages to the site and keep blogging. The topic will transition...

Making Personal Time Mandatory
Time for ourselves is usually the last thing we think about. Our lives are always so busy and it seems like we need free time just to...

The Magic of Outsourcing
Day 10 Blog Challenge. 5 Days to go. Natalie has challenged us with outsourcing one task in the next 2 days. Unfortunately I currently...
Systems that Streamline
The Blog Challenge of the day is to identify one awesome system that will streamline our business. We've already covered a ton of great...
Schedule it Forward
Today's Blog Challenge involves scheduling out our year with goals and events, starting with time off! I'm back in action with the video...

My First Freebie
Here's a freebie that I made today. I plan on taking all of these classes eventually but I've already taken the REI class and finished...
Doing Less to Do More
These Blog Challenges are challenging. Today we are supposed to pick one thing to focus on in 2015, which totally goes against my list...