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GoPro and Wildlife Rescue

Well guys I said I'm going to be posting once a week, and so you can keep a look out I'm going to make my posting day Wednesday...I'm aware that it is Thursday. I'm a little behind because I've been sick all week! But from this point forward, look for me on Wednesdays!

Turns out, GoPro offers sponsorships in different categories like sports, music, events, non-profits and film/video. I can't find much information on who they are currently sponsoring but I find the possible applications really interesting, especially for the non-profit sector. I wonder if these super little cameras were in the hands of more organizations how they might be able to spread their message in a whole new way.

I was able to find this great group in the UK called Wildlife Aid that uses GoPros in their rescues. I don't know that Wildlife Aid actually has a sponsor, but I do think this is a really great way to bring awareness to a good cause- they definitely have a lot of views on YouTube.

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