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Some Background on the Freedom Tour

Welcome to the new website. If you've already been surfing around, you have probably seen my post about the Freedom Tour. It's the exciting new project I've been alluding to. I've got a little background for you about what lead me to this point and the inspiration behind the project.

This time last year, I was miserable. Working 12-16 hours a day shooting real estate with not a lot to show for it. Don't get me wrong; I liked the photography part of it and I loved shooting architecturally interesting properties. But I was on a low paying salary with no overtime pay, I drove hundreds of miles per week without proper reimbursement and I had no time to decompress or pursue other interests. Today is March 30. On March 10 last year I was at my wits end and I bought a book called the The Suitcase Entrepreneur: Create freedom in business and adventure in life by an awesome Kiwi named Natalie Sisson.

I read Natalie's book and it lit a fire. I started reading more books and the more I read the more I changed my outlook on work and success. I was sick of working my ass off for a measly 2 weeks of vacation a year; I had moved in with my parents after a break up and couldn't even afford my own apartment. I knew there had to be a better way and now I had the proof. I stopped listening to people who had resigned themselves to the soul crushing daily grind and I started surround myself with positive influences like Natalie. The authors of those books became my mentors without even knowing it.

Then, I heard about Natalie's Freedom Plan. A program to help us generate income streams that let us live the life we want, and I signed up. Over 8 weeks Natalie taught us invaluable secrets to achieving the lives we wanted and running successful businesses. But we also all got to meet eachother and help eachother through a private Facebook group and Natalie was always there to help us too. The value in that community of like-minded people, all working towards the same goal was an incredible in itself.

During that program, I made a plan, and backup plan, cut every expense I could, saved up as much money as I could stand and then I quit my job. Since then I've been doing Freelance work and building this website. The Freedom I have now is priceless and I have a lot of exciting plans for this year thanks in a very large part to the Freedom Plan.

One really amazing part of the Freedom Plan was the perfect day excercise. We all know very well what we don't want, right? But the perfect day challenges you with defining what you DO want. What exactly are you going to work towards. I was surprised to realize that I didn't really know at first and it took some soul-searching to figure out. But it's hard to make a change without knowing what you're working towards, so this excercise was key.

I wanted to see how all my my friends from the Freedom Plan were living their perfect days after completing the program, and I wanted to use GoPros to do it. GoPros are perfect for capturing adventure, and adventure and freedom go hand-in-hand. So, I'm planning to send GoPros around to see how my new group of international friends are making their perfect days a reality. If any of you out there have your own cameras, you can participate too! And if not, you can sign up to be considered for future tours. Just visit the Freedom Tour page and tell me about yourself.

The tour this year is scheduled to run for 10 weeks beginning May 1, so stay tuned. To stay up to date on projects like this one, you can also subscribe to the mailing list. Thank you for reading and check back often for the latest news!

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